Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the hell...

Walking through the alleys of hell
I found a dark hazy room
Scream of devil
Flood of blood
Sound of cracking bones
Hump of human skull…

Air couldn’t dare to smell the mise en scene
Light was afraid of entering the room
Floating gleam couldn’t cover the doom
Noise of smoke filled the room

I saw my daughter being slaughtered
I saw a devil supping blood from her heart
I saw a man burning his heart to get some warmth
I saw a friend of mine sucking his own vein

And that was too much to be seen
So I woke up
Oh… it was my dream
I pretended myself as GOD
And entered into alleys of your heart…

Sunday, February 10, 2008

desire of wind

Chasing the desire of wind
Is not a crime of creation.
Let the existence rebound
And whack the wall of cessation

Theories behind the pain
Hinders my wind to soar
I see light of sun in vain
And beauty of waterfall blur

My memory reminds me the same
Fear of the dark break the train
They want me to become tame
And mind compels to remember evanescent rain

Fleeting desire, hatred, agony and vague truth
Loves my demon run
So…I took the last disgusting breath
And my sweet wind is free for run.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Give me the reason to live
I know it’s tough

As it’s digging a well underneath self!!
As it’s creating world from vacuum!!
As it’s extracting sole from deathbed!!
As it’s writing poem on infinity!!
As it’s getting a hell out of your selfishness!!
As it’s predicting history of future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn’t desire beget another desire??
Doesn’t fertile plain suck all it produces??
Doesn’t universe follow the law of conservation??
Doesn’t victory follow defeat??
Doesn’t truth ride upon the back of admitting??
Doesn’t destruction cause construction??

I don’t believe ‘Eternity lies within the chaos of life’..
All I am seeking is Eternity…
Can you tell me?
How to achieve eternity…
Without lying within the chaos of life…………….